On his Facebook page

Three continents in three days - the power of Zoom! Great to spend time with the Rotary E-Club of Greater Sydney and its many visitors from all over the world earlier today. A very committed group of Rotarians “doing” Rotary in the style that suits them best. Thanks to all for making me so welcome, and thank you for all you do for Rotary.
And a personal note
Hi Marilyn, Thank you. It was a real pleasure to share in your meeting earlier and to meet such an interesting group of Rotarians from so many places. I remember you from Toronto. Ian Thompson was a very good friend - another Scot of course! Looking forward to meeting up with you sometime. Very best wishes, Gordon
Recording link Thank you David Dean for editing the recording of the meeting . Here is the link to view https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=TNUrzFvQj48